Vlad Belghiru




  • Qualified Contentwriter and Romanian Translator
  • Having a strong medical background


Vlad Belghiru is a 29 year old Doctor of Medicine (MD). Who lives in Romania, Besides my ongoing job as a 5th year Resident in Emergency Medicine and The Craiova Emergency County hospital, one of the largest hospitals in Romania. Vlad Belghiru has graduated from the University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova.

He is qualified as a copywriter, content writer, and Romanian translator. Having a strong medical background, Vlad Belghiru is an extremely competent professional with a wide range of task abilities and huge writing experience.

Vlad's style is flexible enough to adapt to any requirements and topics without compromising quality. Strong points and skills have been acquired throughout the years.

Vlad's experience is the sum of the hours of hard work and dedication he has put in. Current satisfied clients include professionals from all over the world.