Published on 12 December 2021

When Faced Pressure, The Right Thing To Do?

Healthy Living when-faced-with-pressure-the-right-thing-to-do
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We face a lot of tension and problems in our everyday chaos; Woke up late? Missed your bus? Forgot your assignment? These are the few amounts of tension build up and make our daily routine very difficult to handle.

When we find ourselves in stressful, pressure-filled situations, it can be tough to understand the right thing to do. However, taking a step back and identifying any objectives or values that are important to us will help guide our actions. 

Additionally, remembering that our attitude, particularly during tough times, speaks volumes about who we are and how capable we are of handling challenging scenarios can motivate us when facing uncertain or uncomfortable choices. 

It's also important to be aware of how our behavior at the moment may affect those around us; At the same time, it's okay to prioritize self-care. Being respectful and sensitive to other people's feelings is often the best way forward. 

Even when emotions run high, pausing before responding can save us from regretting words or decisions said/made under duress; there’s no harm in gathering your thoughts before making decisions that might have long-term implications.

Frequently asked questions

In a high-pressure situation, One thing that can help is simply taking some deep breaths and focusing on the present moment: acknowledging your feelings without being overwhelmed or trying to push them away.
High-pressure situations at work can be stressful, but ultimately these experiences can make you a better boss or team member if you handle them well. One way to cope with a high-pressure situation is to take time out of your day for self-care.
Some effective ways of dealing with pressure are meditation or mindfulness, getting rid of distractions or interruptions, balancing and prioritizing your work, and using stress as a motivator.

What Happens When You Face Pressure?

Faced Pressure Can Lead To anxiety, Breathlessness, a state of panic, Weight gain, or weight loss. When you face Pressure, you tend to get overwhelmed, and eventually, it gets difficult to focus on something. Getting too stressed will give you the urge to complete everything, but at the same time, being under pressure will become a big obstacle for you to complete your work. So what’s the right thing to do when faced with pressure?

Identify Your Triggers

Nobody is born stressed; every single emotion has specific trigger points. Ranging from happiness to severe anxiety, it is essential to be aware of what triggers you and what does not.

  • For instance, some people get triggered by looking at a specific color, so they try to avoid using it at all times.
  • The trigger points are not necessarily negative; certain things like sunny weather or a particular food item can increase the serotonin gland in our mind, which makes us feel happy and calm.
  • When you are under a lot of pressure, it’s usually the consequence of being unable to solve the problem that scares us. It is crucial to articulate your fears and then work accordingly.

Proper Scheduling

No matter how near the deadline is or faced pressure, it can be solved by creating a proper schedule.

  • Make a proper timetable; organize your activities and slot a specific time for a specific task.
  • Organizing your entire day will not only give you the time to complete everything but will also help you to organize everything systematically.
  • Note the things meant to be completed and then prioritize your work according to their deadlines.
  • It is important to make a personalized schedule for yourself and follow it in the right manner.
  • Sidenote - it is essential to add certain breaks between a hectic schedule. Completing your work on time is essential, but at the same time, taking breaks for some mental space is also necessary.


In situations where you are in a public space and under a lot of stress, chances are that you will get even more stressed and start panicking. If you are in a public space and start panicking, the right way to calm down is by isolating yourself for a while and doing a breathing exercise.

  • In this breathing exercise, you must breathe deeply and exhale slowly while closing your eyes.
  • If your situation is getting severe and you are on the verge of getting an anxiety attack, then start diverting your focus to something which will distract your mind completely; you can start by focusing on objects around you and then start sub-categorizing every single object, firstly search for objects around you which have a specific odor then start focusing on things you can touch and then search for things around you which can be tasted.


You might have noticed how talking to someone after a hard day makes you feel at ease. If you feel like you are facing pressure, contact someone and discuss how stressed you are. The person you are reaching out to can help you and give you a sense of comfort; even if the person fails, you will still see yourself feeling less stressed than you were before.

If your case is severe and venting to someone is not helping, it may be time to seek external help. A therapist will guide you and give you a certain amount of medicines to ease your anxiety.

Acknowledge Your Feelings

It's important to acknowledge your feelings when you're dealing with pressure. From fear, anxiety, frustration, excitement, calmness, and determination, all of these emotions can be helpful in dealing with the challenges life throws at us. Feeling overwhelmed is normal, but we can find ways to manage and cope with stress by taking a step back and recognizing our emotions. 

We can either confront the problem head-on or distance ourselves from it; whichever method works best for us usually involves finding time to process our thoughts through mindfulness practices, talking it out with friends or family, or engaging in healthy activities like exercise or journaling. Whatever we choose, accepting and expressing whatever we feel allows us to work through issues more healthily.

Don't Be Hard On Yourself When Faced Pressure

When faced with pressure, it is important not to exert too much pressure on yourself. Getting too stressed out will affect your physical health, and the result will be nothing, so taking care of your health is essential.

Wipe Your Sweat

When Faced with Pressure, you tend to get physically exhausted even without doing anything. In such cases, sit down, wipe your sweat, and think calmly. It’s just a stressful day, and if you get through it systematically, you will be able to get through it without any pressure.

Take Small Breaks

Taking small breaks throughout the day can be really helpful in coping with pressure. Throughout the day, we tend to reach our mental and physical limits. Giving ourselves even five-minute breaks during work hours helps restore energy levels and keep us productive for longer periods of time. 

Doing simple things like stretching, drinking a cup of tea, meditating, or making a list of things you are grateful for are great ways to take your mind off the stressful situation and return feeling refreshed and motivated. Regular breaks also benefit our overall well-being as they reduce stress levels, improve focus, and help maintain our sanity!

Communicate With Your Supporters

When trying to cope with pressure, it's essential to communicate with your supporters. Talking openly and honestly about what's in your mind can be extremely helpful in reducing stress levels and creating an environment of understanding and care. It also gives you a chance to get feedback from those closest to you so that you can have the opportunity to make better decisions or take different approaches to solve issues. 

Connecting with your support system helps build trust and can turn them into allies in helping you manage stressful situations. Don't hesitate to reach out to talk about a situation that is causing pressure will help ease the load!

Bottom Line From Practical Anxiety Solutions 

Although for some people, these strategies might not work to relieve their pressure level completely, they will make it easier for you to deal with your challenging times.

Knowing the right thing to do can be hard when faced with a tough situation. Lastly, even under pressure, you should act with integrity and ethics. Don't be influenced by outside forces such as peers or media influence, and make decisions that reflect your own values. 

Approach things thoughtfully and calmly, taking the time, if needed, to consider any potential consequences before making a decision. It's okay to reach out for advice or support if needed, but ultimately trust your own judgment. 

Being able to make sound decisions while under pressure is an important life skill, so practice thoughtful action even in small moments throughout the day

  • Bell, J. J., Hardy, L., & Beattie, S. (2013). Enhancing mental toughness and performance under pressure in elite young cricketers: A 2-year longitudinal intervention. Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology, 2(4), 281–297. 
  • Cooper, C. L., & Wills, G. I. D. (1989). Popular Musicians Under Pressure. Psychology of Music, 17(1), 22–36. 
  • Fullan, M. (2010). Positive Pressure. Second International Handbook of Educational Change, 119–130. 
  • Michell, L., & West, P. (1996). Peer pressure to smoke: the meaning depends on the method. Health Education Research, 11(1), 39–49.Â