Published on 05 August 2022

Natural Antidepressants For Depression: Know Your Options

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More than 264 million people are affected by the depression of all ages. Making it one of the most significant mental illnesses. The cause and effect of depression can be complex, making treatment tricky. 

Many people take prescription antidepressant medication. It works best for some people. However, some drugs can be expensive or have specific side effects. This is the primary reason for many people to lead towards alternative treatments. 

More people are pursuing natural forms of antidepressants to support them with depression. Traditional antidepressants sometimes have unwanted side effects. Consider these options for an approach that doesn't rely on pharmaceuticals or psychotherapies. To dive into the detailed information.

What Is Depression?

Depression (major depressive disorder) is a standard and severe medical condition that negatively impacts how you sense, think, and act. Fortunately, it is also treatable. Depression generates unhappiness and a loss of curiosity in activities you once enjoyed. It can lead to various emotional and physical problems and decrease your ability to function at work and home.

Symptoms Of Depression

  • I was feeling unhappy or having a depressed mood.
  • Loss of curiosity or pleasure in activities once enjoyed.
  • Drastic Changes in appetite.
  • Trouble sleeping or sleeping too much.
  • Loss of energy or increased fatigue
  • Increase in purposeless physical activity.
  • I am feeling worthless or guilty.
  • Difficulty thinking, concentrating or making decisions.
  • Thoughts of death or suicide.

Herbal Supplements & Vitamins To Treat Depression

Herbal supplements are so popular that more than half of the people in our country use one daily. Some people use herbal supplements to treat milder symptoms of depression. Their natural properties might assist you in dealing with depression. 

Herbal supplements, which are derived from plants, are said to have therapeutic powers. Although they have been used for centuries, this does not imply they are entirely safe. Their adverse effects and combinations with other medications can be dangerous, so use them cautiously.


S-Adenosyl-L-methionine is an inherently occurring molecule circulated to all body tissues and liquids. It is of fundamental significance in several biochemical reactions affecting enzymatic transmethylation, donating to the synthesis, activation, and metabolism of such blends as hormones, neurotransmitters, nucleic acids, proteins, phospholipids, and certain drugs.

Oral or parenteral administration of a stable salt of SAMe has been shown to restore normal hepatic function in the presence of various chronic liver diseases (including alcoholic and non-alcoholic cirrhosis, estrogen-induced and other forms of cholestasis), to prevent or reverse hepatotoxicity caused by several drugs and chemicals such as alcohol, paracetamol (acetaminophen), steroids, and lead, and to have antidepressant properties. 

The typical SAMe dose for depression is 600mg per day. The SAMe quantity might be pricey for regular individuals. 

Remember- This medicine is not regulated as other medicines, so always be cautious before taking them. 

B Vitamins

B vitamins are essential for our health. Vitamin B-9 (folate) synthesizes and repairs DNA and helps to demethylate homocysteine to convert it back to methionine, which has antidepressant properties.

Vitamin B-12 (cobalamin) plays a crucial role in forming new red blood cells, cell metabolism, nerve function, and the production of DNA. Both folate (in the L-methyl folate form) and B-12 play a role in synthesizing neurotransmitters, such as serotonin.

Omega - 3 fatty acids

Some cases have been reported where omega - 3 fatty acids are very effective and help to reduce some symptoms of Anxiety and depression that can cause them quickly go through the brain cell membrane and connect mood-related molecules inside the brain. Mainly it is used to reduce heart disease and also improve mental health. 

5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP)

5-HTP is a supplement known to increase serotonin levels, essential in regulating mood and appetite. Various Studies have shown that increasing the level of serotonin in the brain may decrease Depression symptoms. 

5-HTP is a supplement that may be used as part of your diet. You could also face some side effects. Taking 5-HTP with other medications may cause serotonin syndrome, a condition where high serotonin levels are made in the brain. You should consult a doctor before including them in your daily routine.


L-theanine is an amino acid mainly found in green and black tea. Sometimes it is also found in some mushrooms. It's also available in the form of tablets or pills. It is said that L- theanine is widely used to treat Anxiety and Depression, but only after the doctor's assistance.

How To Choose Supplements and Vitamins?

Suppose you're suffering from depression and want to try supplements to see whether they improve the symptoms. In that case, Whenever you use any medication or Supplement, you must ask your healthcare professional for advice before adding any supplements to your diet.

Although some supplements may be very beneficial for relieving the symptoms of depression in some people, they're not appropriate for everyone. It's essential to consider certain things before shopping for supplements.

Frequently Asked Questions

Studies reveal that certain dietary supplements and Vitamins, including vitamin D, Omega-3s, Rhodiola, B12, and saffron, may be beneficial for reducing depressive symptoms in some people.
Food that is beneficial for treating depressants naturally is by eating carrots, Green veggies, apples, cucumber, bananas, lettuce, fresh berries, and Kiwi.
According to research, herbs like chamomile, black cohosh, lavender, chaste berry, saffron, and passionflower are natural antidepressants.

Potential medication interactions

Some supplements may interact with other medicines, including antidepressant medication. This is why discussing new accessories with a physician before adding them to the diet is necessary.

Form and dosage

Some supplement forms, such as soft gels, are easier to swallow. Take medicines required once a day if you forget to take them.


Be sure to read supplement labels carefully, mainly if you have dietary preferences or needs, such as food allergies. Some people may also prefer to avoid supplements that contain additives such as artificial colors and preservatives.


Supplements can vary in price, so comparing product costs is essential, especially if you're on a budget.

Changes You Need To Make In Your Lifestyle

Our lifestyle plays a vital role in the maintenance of health balance. The essential thing in the world is our health; getting our mental health in line is critical. These simple life changes can bring the utmost necessary balance in our life. Following are some lifestyle changes that we can focus on and do some extraordinary work regarding mental health maintenance. 


Being depressed can force you subconsciously to lower energy; regular exercise can boost your temper if you have depression, and it's handy for people with mild to moderate depression. 

Exercise should be enjoyed. Otherwise, finding the motivation to do it regularly will be hard. So one can focus on changing their lifestyle to improve the results. Fitness and exercise can help you to get away from anxieties and depression. 

Whatever you eat, It Matters!

You want to eat your favorite food to improve your mood. It can look like the best thing, but it need not be a good thing forever; Overeating sweets and gaining too much weight can be risky for our minds and health.

Obesity and many overeating-related problems are associated with a higher risk for major depressive disorder (MDD) among females. Due to this, it has been a saying forever- WHAT GOES INSIDE - MATTERS.

Express Gratitude

Many studies, especially from Harvard Health, show that expressing gratitude openly and straightforwardly can set up your mood. We should frankly recommend gratitude towards someone in writing if possible. That helps us to feel the good things especially and also helps to improve our mood. 

Meet New People

Always try to be a little bit extroverted. Loneliness and isolation from society can increase your risk of depression. Reach out to your friends and relatives. Do not hesitate to make the first move. Participate in social programs—volunteer in various activities. Mixing up with people helps to improve your mental health and clear your mind.

Nature Improves, Our Nature! 

Natural therapy constantly improves your mood with zero side effects. It must be done with the firmest belief, but it indeed works. Walking through greens can improve your health and eases your pressure. All the trees release phytochemicals that communicate in a way with our bodily systems, like immunity systems. 

They positively influence these systems. It is observed that such phytochemicals even impact mood and lowers blood pressure. Don't be afraid to explore the parks and enjoy nature. Because, as we can put it into words- Nature improves nature.

Other Therapies

There are some other ways to monitor and improve your mental health, and they are as follows:

  • Acupuncture
  • Mindfulness meditation
  • Massage
  • Navigated Imagery
  • Brain stimulant therapy.

Bottom Line From Practical Anxiety Solution

Depression (major depressive disorder) is a standard and severe medical condition that negatively impacts how you sense it. There are some symptoms of the problem of depression that can be turned into challenging issues, so always be aware of them. 

Natural effects can help you cope with depression, derived from plants, and herbal supplements are believed to have healing properties. Natural ways to cope with depression are always side-effect-free and also help to improve in a very long-lasting way.