Published on 29 October 2021

The Need To Understand Human Behaviours

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In simple words. Behavior is a response that is observed directly or indirectly. Everyone has a different behavior that changes with every situation, which is called Human behavior. In today's world, understanding human behavior is very important to work in a Company or Organization. It also plays an essential role in improving mental health.

The study of human behavior and its applications have shaped how parents teach their children, how our school system works, and how businesses develop and market their products; everything is connected.

Academic and commercial researchers alike have been aiming toward a deeper understanding of why humans behave in a particular way and discovering the patterns behind in our actions and behaviors.

Let's see what human behavior is in terms of scientific research.

Human Behavior Is A Complex Interplay Of Three Primary Components:

  • Cognition refers to the mental processes involved in comprehension and gaining knowledge. Cognitive processes include thinking, remembering, knowing, judging, and problem-solving abilities. These are higher-level functions of the human brain encompassing language, perception, imagination, and planning.
  • Emotions are biologically-based psychological states evoked by neurophysiological shifts, variously associated with feelings, thoughts, behavioral responses, and a degree of pleasure or displeasure.
  • An action includes everything that can be observed brought on by external or internal stimuli, either with objectively observable practices, introspectively observable practices, or nonconscious processes.

Everything is connected. Cognitions, emotions, and actions do not run independently, resulting in individual behavior.

Frequently asked questions

Human behavior has three factors: physical factors such as health, pain, illness, etc.; personal and emotional factors such as expectations, emotions, mental health, etc.; and life experiences factors - friends, life events, etc.
Behavioral observation is one of the most helpful ways to study behavior. Even many researchers visit people's surrounding to understand their behavior.
You can see better or improved behavior by changing your surroundings. Spending more time with your lovable ones can also effectively change behavior.

Patterns Of Human Behavior

Predicting Human behavior is very different for anyone, or you can say it is unpredictable. We can't understand behavior by setting only one pattern of human behavior. Given below are the three Lavitt classified human behavior: 

  • Caused behavior,
  • Motivated behavior,
  • Goal-oriented behavior

Assumptions Of Human Behavior

Each person is different from others; that's why it is essential to understand each other's behavior. Humans should only be treated concerning improving their behavior and work effectively.  
Dan Ariely analyzed the nature of people's assumptions which have been given below.

Individual differences

Every person has a unique combination of characteristics that can be used to understand 
Their behavior. In some people, these characteristics come from birth; in others, it develops occasionally. This is called inherited and learned traits.

Whole Person

When a team member or team member works in an Organization, the Organization takes care of that team member by making them more capable as a worker and person.

Caused Behavior (Motivation)

People's behavior depends on need-based. After fulfilling their needs, they feel good or motivated, and because of this motivated behavior, their performance for working increases effectively. So, an Organization's management should take care of needs for a compelling performance.

Value Of The Person (Human Dignity)

Employees of any Organization should be treated as humans with respect by management. Treating a person with dignity can improve behavior. The more you understand the value of a person, the more you know his conduct.

Human Behavior Is Also A Result Of Individual Personality.

Psychoanalytic Model

Freudian theory is based on the conflict model of humans. With clinical psychotherapy techniques and free association, Sigmund Freud felt that behavior is not always a result of conscious factors. Their "unconscious" is the primary factor that drives the individual's behavior. Freud presented that the individual's behavior depends on three detriments: (i) id, (ii) Ego, and (iii) Superego.

  • Id - The id is the deep-rooted unconscious energy comprising fundamental and instinctive drives, such as sexual and aggressive tendencies.
  • The ego, or the conscious mind, acts based on the reality principle, 
  • Keeping the id in control by wielding a moderating and real influence.

Lastly, the superego embodies moral standards and ideals, comprising conscious thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that reflect parental/societal morals and values. 

Existential Model

This is not a scientifically based model. It is based on literature and philosophy. Existentialism states that the environment's divest effects push individuals to make their destinies. So the individuals create their own identity and make their existence worthful. 
This model mainly occurs when you do a job in any Company. 

Internal vs. External Determinants Of Behaviour

Environment plays a significant role in shaping behavior, including parenting style, surrounding atmosphere, and neighborhood. In contrast, personality development and genetic endowment are influenced by historical heritage.

Personality vs Environment

Both situational and personality variables must be considered to interpret an individual's behavior. Still, focusing on the environment is as crucial as or perhaps slightly more crucial than solely focusing on personality traits.

Cognition vs Environment

To understand one's behavior, we need to know the individual's previous responses to similar situations (stimulus) and the following rewards or punishments responses. Two models come out of these approaches:

Behaviouristic Model 

In this model, the behavior depends on two factors, i.e., stimulus and response. Learning occurs with this kind of model. Pavlov and Watson, with their research, felt that behavior could be best understood by stimulus and response. The behaviorist model is represented as SR (Stimulus-Response)

Cognitive Model 

It describes how a person's thoughts and perceptions can influence their feelings and behavior. The focus of psychology shifted from the study of psychoanalytical notions and conditioned behavior to the study of the mind towards understanding human mind processing, using only strict laboratory investigation.

Various factors affect human behavior. However, humans are coherent wholes, and behavioral development is comprehensive; therefore, results in any one arena of life at any point in time are fundamentally interrelated with the growth in every other arena in patterns of mutual influence. 

Importance Of Human Behavior

Improved behavior can be beneficial for human development. It is also known as developmental psychology, a field of study that attempts to understand and explain the changes in human cognitive, emotional, and behavioral functioning and capabilities over their entire life span, from the fetus to geriatrics. 

In sociology and psychology, studies of human behavior give an academic understanding of motivations. It also improves the lives of those with mental health and behavioral disorders. It also boosts educational advancements, organizational behavioral management, and public health. 

Bottom Line From Practical Anxiety Solutions 

The famous philosopher Plato says," Human behavior flows from three primary sources; desire, emotion, and knowledge. 

Nowadays, people are busy with their daily work and don't have time for traditional values. This can impact human behavior. Every time human behavior changes, it may be due to any situation. 

To keep anyone's human behavior motivated, we must treat them respectfully and as trustworthy people, especially in today's urbanized society. Good behavior can improve their performance in Company. It can also improve their mental health.

  • Amichai-Hamburger, Y., & Vinitzky, G. (2010). Social network use and personality. Computers in Human Behavior, 26(6), 1289–1295. 
  • Euben, R. (1995). When Worldviews Collide: Conflicting Assumptions about Human Behavior Held by Rational Actor Theory and Islamic Fundamentalism. Political Psychology, 16(1), 157. 
  • Marteau, T. M., Hollands, G. J., & Fletcher, P. C. (2012). Changing Human Behavior to Prevent Disease: The Importance of Targeting Automatic Processes. Science, 337(6101), 1492–1495. 
  • Rogers, C. R., & Skinner, B. F. (1956). Some Issues Concerning the Control of Human Behavior: A Symposium. Science, 124(3231), 1057–1066. 
  • White, L. A. (1940). The Symbol: The Origin and Basis of Human Behavior. Philosophy of Science, 7(4), 451–463.