Published on 20 February 2023

Top 9 Carisoprodol (Soma) Alternatives in 2023

Valium (Diazepam) Top-9-Carisoprodol-(Soma)-Alternatives
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If you suffer from back pain, your doctor may prescribe muscle relaxants, which you can buy at a pharmacy with a doctor's prescription. These medications may reduce muscle tension and spasm, which could lessen discomfort.

According to research and medical opinion, acetaminophen and NSAIDs should be used as the first line of treatment for back pain. If these treatments are unsuccessful, physicians prescribe skeletal muscle relaxants briefly. Cyclobenzaprine and Carisoprodol are some examples of skeletal muscle relaxants available on prescription. 

The most popular muscle relaxant Carisoprodol, known as Soma and Pain o soma, is a muscle relaxant. Still, its use is constrained by the possibility of dependence, sedative effects, and the amount of time it lasts, necessitating many daily doses. Users experience a Soma high, a high-intensity, rapid-action euphoric feeling.

Let's explore additional potent alternatives for Carisoprodol that accomplish the same goal but have different features and effects.

What Is Carisoprodol?

Carisoprodol is a generic drug initially authorized for medicinal use in the United States in 1959. It is an FDA-approved medication that treats acute, excruciating musculoskeletal disorders and their associated discomfort. Despite being promoted as a muscle relaxant, the parent substance belongs to the class of drugs known as tranquilizers, and meprobamate, the primary metabolite, is classified as a benzodiazepine.

Carisoprodol can only be used for a brief period. Since Carisoprodol has not been studied in pediatric patients, it is not advised for usage in patients under 16. It is a Schedule IV-controlled substance in the US.

Carisoprodol is available as a tablet and can be consumed orally up to three times a day, including before bedtime. You can buy Soma online, which is a marketed name for Carisoprodol. Carisoprodol is also available in Musflex pills, which contain Carisoprodol and Nanprosen. The package insert states that Carisoprodol should be used to relax muscles after sprains, strains, and other muscle injuries in addition to rest, physical therapy, and other treatments.

How Do Carisoprodol And Other Muscle Relaxants Work?

Muscle relaxants work by causing the muscle to relax. Some affect the brain and spinal cord, while others directly affect strength. The various medications on the list of muscle relaxants have different effects. Some are superior to others for use in specific conditions. These Muscle relaxants might make you sleepy but have different side effects. If taken over an extended period, certain muscle relaxants might cause dependency.

Carisoprodol is presumed to be a skeletal muscle relaxant with a central action that doesn't directly relax skeletal muscles. In animal research, Carisoprodol induces muscular relaxation linked to altered interneuronal activity in the brain's descending reticular formation and the spinal cord. Meprobamate, the major metabolite of Carisoprodol, is thought to have therapeutic effects and Abuse potential by acting at the GABA receptors like benzodiazepines.

Frequently Asked Questions

Mivacurium is the shortest-acting, nondepolarizing neuromuscular blocking agent available.
Among all the available muscle relaxants, succinylcholine has the fastest onset and recovery times (approximately one minute). Despite its well-known side effects, it remains the most frequently used muscle relaxant for rapid sequence induction.
Addiction and misuse are possible with muscle relaxants. Increased tolerance and physical reliance can result from continued use. Muscle relaxants are, therefore, only meant to be used for a short period of time—no more than two to three weeks—as a treatment.
Diazepam is used to treat Anxiety problems and the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal, but it can also be a helpful drug for treating muscle spasms. Like Xanax, the benzodiazepine diazepam lessens the sensitivity of specific brain receptors.
Due to the possibility of dependence, patients taking large doses of Carisoprodol may have withdrawal symptoms such as Anxiety, ataxia, body pains, increased sweating, vomiting, tremors, muscle twitching, and insomnia.

What Are The Alternatives To Carisoprodol? 

The risk for dependence, the sedative effects, and the duration of action of Carisoprodol limit its use, necessitating many daily doses. Let us see what other alternatives are available for this drug.


Methocarbamol treats pain, sprains, muscular injuries, and spasms. It is a member of the class of drugs known as muscle relaxants and slows nervous system activity to promote relaxation in the body. Methocarbamol is typically used to treat pain together with rest and physical therapy.

  • Uses tetanus and muscle spasms.
  • Off-label use: withdrawal from opioids.
  • Not approved: use under 16-year-olds and nursing mothers.

For patients unable to consume medicine orally, methocarbamol is also available as an injectable. Most people take it three to four times daily, which isn't convenient for everyone.  

Additionally, side effects of the drug include vertigo, sleepiness, and impaired vision. Since methocarbamol inhibits nervous system activity, avoid activities like driving and operating machinery while taking it. As with Lorazepam and other mild depressants, methocarbamol has the potential to relax and sedate the user. Because of this, it might be overused by those seeking a calming, euphoric high.

In the event of an overdose, seek immediate medical treatment. Symptoms of an overdose can include nausea, severe drowsiness, fainting, seizure, or coma.


Diazepam is a benzodiazepine. It works by enhancing the brain's neurotransmitter activity. Diazepam helps to relieve Anxiety disorders and alcohol withdrawal symptoms. Some doctors prescribe diazepam to treat seizures, stiffness, and muscle spasms.

Diazepam overuse can lead to addiction, overdose, or death, especially in children. Children under the age of six months should not be given benzodiazepines. Do not use diazepam if you are pregnant or think you might be pregnant.

When combined with alcohol, opioid medications, or other substances that make you drowsy or slow your breathing, diazepam overdose can be lethal. Some overdose symptoms that may occur include extreme drowsiness, lack of coordination or balance, limp or weak muscles, slow breathing, or even coma.


Cyclobenzaprine is used to treat pain and muscular spasms. Cyclobenzaprine's sedative effects may be helpful for patients whose severe muscle spasms are the source of their insomnia.

  • They are used for muscle spasms and sciatica.
  • Off-label uses are for migraines, Fibromyalgia, temporomandibular joint disorder, and chronic myofascial pain.

Low cost and availability make cyclobenzaprine a reasonable first choice; however, since it has soothing properties, it cannot be used during the day. Additionally, it could increase dry mouth, especially in older people. Although cyclobenzaprine is not addictive, continuous use can result in drug tolerance.

Due to medicine's effects on the brain, which eventually cause drug Abuse, some people use this medication recreationally and off-label. Cyclobenzaprine overdose is also a possibility. Cardiovascular adverse symptoms, fatigue, disorientation, and slurred speech are indications of an overdose. Although death is uncommon, the risk increases if cyclobenzaprine is used with other medications.


Orphenadrine, also available under the brand name Norflex, is a muscle relaxant used to treat migraines and the pain associated with acute severe musculoskeletal conditions. Use in the elderly is typically not advised due to side effects such as constipation, urine retention, and disorientation. People with glaucoma, particular kinds of ulcers, or myasthenia gravis should refrain from taking this drug.

Its triggering effects are comparable to Carisoprodol, which is known to cause euphoric sensations. Call your doctor If you encounter any overdose symptoms like:: rapid heartbeat, flushing, excessive tiredness, hallucinations, changes in vision, agitation, and disorientation.


Metaxalone or Skelaxin is a muscle relaxant prescribed for pain and spasms. Despite the poor clinical study evidence, Metaxalone may be an alternative for those looking for a muscle relaxant that won't wear them out as much. Among the off-label uses is Fibromyalgia.

Metaxalone exhibits less drowsiness and grogginess than other skeletal muscle relaxants, even though muscle relaxants can cause sedation. People who have a known propensity to become anemic, as well as those who have renal or liver problems, shouldn't use this alternative. 

Other medications, such as opioids, cough syrups, antidepressants, and benzodiazepines, may interact with it. Serotonin syndrome is an uncommon but severe and sometimes fatal side effect brought on by taking too much Skelaxin or several medicines at once that have serotonin-altering effects.


Chlorzoxazone, known by the brand name Lorzone, is a muscle relaxant. It is also employed to ease the pain and discomfort caused by acute musculoskeletal conditions. In patients with liver illness, use this medicine with caution. Chlorzoxazone is taken three to four times a day, similar to methocarbamol. Chlorzoxazone is not a controlled drug.

Headache, drowsiness, nausea, and vomiting are typical side effects. If an overdose happens, get medical help right away. Symptoms of an overdose may include shallow breathing, fainting, severe sleepiness, headache, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.


The FDA-approved medication tizanidine, also marketed under Zanaflex, treats spasticity. Tizanidine belongs to the group of central alpha-2-adrenergic agonists. People with multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, spinal cord injury, or any other ailment that can cause spasticity may use this alternative.

Tizanidine is sometimes used off-label for cluster headaches and musculoskeletal pain. The sedative effects of tizanidine may be helpful for patients whose severe muscular spasms are the source of their insomnia. Fluvoxamine or ciprofloxacin should not be taken together with tizanidine due to potentially harmful drug interactions.

Tizanidine is less addictive than other prescription drugs, such as depressants and opioids. High doses or prolonged usage might result in dependence and addiction. When an overdose occurs, seek emergency medical attention. Overdose symptoms include weakness, tiredness, confusion, a sluggish heartbeat, shallow breathing, dizziness, or fainting.


Norflox or norfloxacin is a member of the quinolone antibiotic class used to treat bacterial infections. It finds use in treating gonorrhea, prostatitis, and urinary tract infections. Norfloxacin also treats diseases of the stomach and intestines, including traveler's diarrhea and associated pain.

Take norfloxacin as directed. Norfloxacin can occasionally result in well-known side effects such as nausea, headaches, and dizziness. Norfloxacin may interact with painkillers, anticoagulants/blood thinner, anti-gout (probenecid), antibiotics, and calcium supplements. Seek immediate medical attention in case of overdose and the person exhibits significant symptoms like fainting out or difficulty breathing.


The primary use of baclofen is to relieve spasticity in patients with spinal cord injuries or multiple sclerosis. Off-label uses trigeminal neuralgia, cervical dystonia, cluster tic syndrome, dystonia, hiccups, Huntington's disease, migraine prevention, muscle twitching, muscle spasm, and neuralgia.

Typical side effects include insomnia, nausea, headaches, frequent urination, weakness, and drowsiness. Some people may use this drug in ways other than those recommended by a doctor, abusing it because of the calming effects of high baclofen. 

Concurrent use of baclofen with other medications can depress the central nervous system (CNS), raise the likelihood of side effects from the drug, and increase the hazard. Tolerance, dependence, and addiction can result from long-term or severe baclofen Abuse.

Despite the drug's therapeutic value, consuming too much baclofen can cause an overdose in a user. Coma, hypothermia, decreased breathing or respiratory arrest, slowed heart rate, seizures, lightheadedness, vertigo, and loss of consciousness all indicate an overdose.

How To Start A Carisoprodol Alternative?

It is essential to know and understand medicine's in and out. To start an alternative, you should get all the necessary information from your doctor.

  • Review all medical conditions with a healthcare professional: It's crucial to discuss all medical issues with your doctor before moving from Carisoprodol to another medication.
  • Avoid stopping Carisoprodol abruptly: Never discontinue taking a drug without speaking to a physician. It is advisable to stop the medication treatment gradually to prevent more side effects.
  • Consider over-the-counter painkillers: Muscle relaxants have sedative side effects that some people, especially older persons, may find difficult to endure. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines (NSAIDs) and acetaminophen are effective over-the-counter (OTC) pain relievers. Generic Ibuprofen, Advil, Aleve, and Motrin are NSAIDs.
  • Be cautious when using alcohol and other CNS depressants:  Drugs that relax the muscles reduce nervous system activity. People who use alcohol or other CNS depressants should use Carisoprodol and its alternatives, including muscle relaxants and benzodiazepines, cautiously. Apart from that, you should either avoid driving or operating machinery or do them carefully.

Can You Abruptly Stop A Medicine?

Don't quit taking the medication suddenly you've been taking for a while. Doing this can put you at risk for unpleasant withdrawal symptoms like nausea, vomiting, and insomnia. Doctors often reduce the dose gradually before discontinuing the medication when these drugs need to be stopped.

It's important to remember that using muscle relaxants is only one method of managing your back pain. Your doctor can suggest therapies like physical therapy, exercise, workplace ergonomic adjustments, and epidural steroid injections to prevent back pain from recurring.

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Muscle relaxants can ease this back pain and help you get through the suffering. Over-the-counter painkillers like acetaminophen and NSAIDs like ibuprofen and naproxen are the first line of treatment. According to research, acetaminophen or an NSAID function better when combined with a muscle relaxant than when taken alone.

Schedule IV drug Carisoprodol (Soma) has the potential for Abuse. As a result, if you have a history of substance misuse, you shouldn't use it. Many think that considerably superior alternatives should gradually replace Carisoprodol as a muscle relaxant. Due to a lack of data supporting its efficacy, you should only use these medications as directed for brief periods of two to three weeks.