Published on 10 October 2021

7 Health Benefits Of Cycling: Everyone Should Know

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This question has an obvious answer, but what's the rush? You have doubts about cycling and how it affects your immunity. If you are thinking about starting cycling, then this is the best time to do this.

Here we have given all the benefits of cycling that help you to achieve your health goal and provide so many benefits that will help you to fix your plan. Cycling is best for morning exercise, and everyone needs to try it.

Additionally, it's environmentally friendly! With cycling, you get the satisfaction of knowing you're contributing to cleaner air and less traffic congestion. Whether you use a bike as a primary mode of transportation or enjoy the occasional ride on the weekend, it's an enjoyable activity for your physical and mental well-being.

Plus, many communities have dedicated bike paths so you can explore without worrying about safety risks. So if you're looking for an effective way to stay in shape while being kind to the environment, try cycling!

It is proven that cycling can help protect you from several serious diseases, such as stroke, heart attack, quite a few cancers, depression, diabetes/ obesity, and arthritis. Yeah! It's a lot, but there is more to it. Cycling is a fun, healthy, and low-impact workout for all age groups.

Cycling is a physical activity that is very easy to fit into our daily routine, but using it to ride to our school, shops, or work. Let's get into a bit more detail about what benefits cycling has for our health.

Health Benefits Of Cycling

We all know that cycling benefits us, but we are allowed to have doubts. If you are here to clear those doubts, you are in luck! Here are seven health benefits of cycling that make you want to cycle.

Flash Recovery

Don't get confused with the DC universe hero Flash! But if you keep riding and training, you might be able to catch up with your strong legs. Research in 2018 found that elderly patients with a knee problems and osteoarthritis improved their condition by adding cycling to their routines, proving that keeping our bodies active keeps us fit and improves our immunity. 

How does this happen just by cycling? Spinning the legs gets the blood flowing all around the body and helps the muscles recover by removing the metabolic squanders from the forces.

Cancel Cancer

Maintaining a healthy weight, regular cycling, and a conscientious diet with a balanced diet of protein, fiber, carbohydrates, and vitamins help lower your cancer risk. 

A 2015 study published in the American Medical Association Journal examined nearly 14,000 men. It concluded that physically active people have significantly high fitness levels as they approach middle age and have a much lower risk of lung and colorectal cancer than inactive individuals. Isn't it great if you could lower the risk of cancer by cycling for an hour every day?

Frequently asked questions

Even though cycling offers a great form of exercise for all ages, it is essential to remember that risks are also involved. Cycling-related injuries are scrapes, sprains, broken bones, and concussions.
Cycling is not suitable for everyone. People with weak balance or coordination may find cycling difficult and should consult their doctor before participating in physical activities. People suffering from cardiovascular problems or chronic medical conditions should be cautious when attempting to cycle due to the physical exertion needed.
There are several potential downsides of cycling. One major inconvenience is the time and energy it takes to travel. It may be difficult or impossible to cover long distances, mainly if you carry a heavy load. Also, rain or other severe weather conditions can make riding uncomfortable and unsafe, so more planning is involved to avoid unpleasant situations.

Improved Heart Rate

We all know that a healthy heart is required to handle any situation calmly, have a healthy family, and avoid any risk for ourselves. Again, just cycling every day and adding that to our daily routine can improve our heart rate and make us more immune. 

Backed by a study in Medicine & science in sports & exercise spent five years observing the activity of 1,500 subjects. Those who rode a bike daily for 30 mins were 31% less likely to develop high blood pressure.

Another study by the British Journal of Sports Medicine conducted in 2018 found that following an intense workout regime can lower the risk of high blood pressure as much as a prescription medication. If you can substitute your drugs with more sweaty rides and an intense workout program with your doctor's approval, why not do it?

Superman Core Strength

It shouldn't come as a surprise that weight loss is one of the enormous benefits of daily cycling, but it might get a bit boring on the same tracks each day, change your locations, increase your riding time, and maybe try going for short trips on your bicycle. Weight loss is not a piece of cake but can be easy only if proper consistency and diet are applied. 

Many studies have shown that diabetic women could only drop visceral fat, which is harmful fat that can increase the risk of health problems such as stroke, heart attack, and type 2 diabetes. A research of 2015 published in the hepatology journal also found that aerobic exercise like cycling helped overweight and obese participants to drop fat. Cycling stimulates weight loss, but it is also one of the best core-building routines as it requires significant movement of the abdominal muscles. You can get abs like Henry Cavill.

Brainpower Like Professor X.

We all know how deadly Alzheimer's is in older people, which affects the brain; what if I told you that this condition could get better just by riding a bike? Yes, it can! A 2011 review of studies found that exercise boosts brainpower and helps stave off Alzheimer's in older people, backed by a scientific literature review conducted in 2017 regarding the benefits of cycling in treating Alzheimer's. 

They concluded with similar results, stating that exercise improves brainpower and helps with various mental health issues, including Alzheimer's, depression, and anxiety. Cycling for only 15 minutes can improve your mood and take the edge off your depression and anxiety and help you tackle it appositely. Having healthy mental stability and a fit brain will take your brainpower to the level of Charles Xavier's.

Help You To Lose Weight

Cycling is a fantastic way to lose weight. It is a physical activity that helps you to burn calories while having fun, but it also helps your body stay in shape as you go through the motions of pedaling and changing direction. 

Since cycling is a low-impact exercise, it puts little stress on your joints, meaning it can be done without worrying about injury. Asa bonus, cycling boosts your metabolism and tones muscles all over your body, so even after you're done riding, your body will continue to work for you!

Boosts Your Mental Health

Cycling is a fantastic way to improve your mental health. Physical exercise positively impacts the body and mind as it increases endorphins, boosts self-esteem and confidence and can help reduce stress and anxiety. 

Furthermore, cycling outdoors can distract from everyday worries, allowing you to soak up nature, fresh air, and much-needed "me" time! Whether riding alone or with friends and family, cycling can effectively manage your mental well-being. So next time you feel down in the dumps, ditch Netflix for a few hours and hit the open road. You won't regret it.

Improves Balance, Coordination, And Posture

Cycling is a great way to improve balance, coordination, and posture. The act of cycling requires you to constantly make minor adjustments that can help strengthen the muscles used for balancing and coordinating your movements while also improving your core strength. Getting on a bike helps maintain proper spine and neck alignment by encouraging a good sitting posture, ultimately improving your overall posture. 

Unlike other activities, such as running or swimming, cycling has less strain on joints due to its low-impact nature. It makes slower movements easier to control, allowing for better balance, coordination, and increased physical stability.

Cycling Drawbacks And Safety

Cycling is an excellent exercise and a great way to get around, but unfortunately, it has some drawbacks. 

Firstly, cycling can be dangerous cyclists are vulnerable to being hit by cars, various surface hazards on the roads and paths, and inclement weather conditions. Ensuring helmets, visibility-improving clothing, and having good lights when cycling in dark/low visibility situations are essential, even more so if your journey involves streets with heavy traffic or off-road routes. 

It's also essential to understand the road rules applicable to cyclists and your rights about using the road to know where you can and cannot cycle at all times. While cycling has drawbacks regarding safety measures that must be considered before strapping on your helmet and hopping onto your bike, it's still a hugely enjoyable activity that often rewards you for taking risks by providing thrilling moments for riders who love the challenge!

Bottom Line From Practical Anxiety Solutions 

Clarity! You have it now. Many countries promote cycling as it benefits your health, as all your doubts are resolved. Cycling is a challenging sport. One can join any bicycle club, which is an excellent way to socialize, ride with club members, and make friends. 

Cycling is not restricted to any specific age group; each person of any age group can ride a bike and benefit from it. All of us can understand how cycling benefits our health, be it healthy mental stability, reduced risk of cancer, significantly better heart rate, faster recovery, and many more.

  • de Hartog, J. J., Boogaard, H., Nijland, H., & Hoek, G. (2010). Do the Health Benefits of Cycling Outweigh the Risks? Environmental Health Perspectives, 118(8), 1109–1116. 
  • DoÄŸru, O. C., Webb, T. L., & Norman, P. (2021). What is the best way to promote cycling? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 81, 144–157. 
  • Goel, R., Goodman, A., Aldred, R., Nakamura, R., Tatah, L., Garcia, L. M. T., Zapata-Diomedi, B., de Sa, T. H., Tiwari, G., de Nazelle, A., Tainio, M., Buehler, R., Götschi, T., & Woodcock, J. (2021). Cycling behaviour in 17 countries across 6 continents: levels of cycling, who cycles, for what purpose, and how far? Transport Reviews, 42(1), 58–81. 
  • Oja, P., Titze, S., Bauman, A., de Geus, B., Krenn, P., Reger-Nash, B., & Kohlberger, T. (2011). Health benefits of cycling: a systematic review. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 21(4), 496–509. 
  • Spinney, J. (2009). Cycling the City: Movement, Meaning and Method. Geography Compass, 3(2), 817–835.